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Trap Has a brown spot

Hello guys,
One of the traps on one of my VFT's has a brown spot. Its not black. It looks like maybe it got dried out or something. I put a small cricket in there last week. I was gone over the weekend and when I got back there trays were dry. Could thins be the problem?
Also I have there light on a timer and when I came back it seems the timer failed and left the lights on all week end. Could this be the problem?
All my other plants are doing great.
Did the trap eat the cricket? ...Is there an opening in the trap...like part of the bug hanging out....sometimes if the trap doesn't totally close over the bug bacteria can get in and kill the trap. Not the whole plant though.
Depending on how low your lights are to the plants....you could have possibly burned the trap. But if everything else is doing fine...I do not think that that is the problem.
You know too that it is just a leaf...and leaves die sometimes. If it is just a spot I wouldn't really worry. But if the whole trap starts to turn black...I would just cut it off. Keep the leaf part...just cut off the trap.
Hope this helps!
There was no cricket sticking out. My lights are about 9 inches away from them so that could be the problem considering there really bright lights. Could it be the drying of the tray?
Also could the lights being on all week end be damaging to them?
I think that it was the fact that the light was on all week. If the tempretures of the soil get above a certain degree ( 86 or higher ) you can damage the root system which in turn will start to show on the rest of the plant. ( ie burnt leaves )
Or just the fact that the light was on so long...you may have just scorched it.
The distance is fine( the light to the plant).
I think that you will be ok.
Traps also sometimes develop black spots just from eating an insect (especially larger ones). They are not usually as vigorous in cultivation as in their natural cultivation. (That's a direct quote from somewhere, but I can't remember where..)

If you're going away for the weekend then just put it somewhere where it will get a little light-flytraps can go a few days without light,so don't worry too much,it's better they get no light than too much light as too much light can kill them where as if they get no light the plants will just think it's cloudy(not that they do think,but you get my point). It is said that those people who care less about their plants usually succeed in growing them the best-thats a quote from somewhere and it's my motto from now on aswell-no more worrying for me!
ok, thanks:) I thought it would have been the light issue(I will have to get a new timer).