Hey bud,
What do you mean by "little ones?" Are they separate plants, or just basal shoots (little plants from the base of the mother)?
I ask because if they are part of the mother plant, instead of actual separate plants, when you separate them from the mother you will have to treat them as cuttings instead of just potting them up. I haven't cut alata myself, but I pretty sure it roots easily (someone correct me if I'm wrong on that one).
In general, though, this is how I re-pot neps (when I'm not separating basal shoots):
First, I don't like to turn the plant upside down, because the pitchers will loose their fluid, usually all over me (yuck!
), so I use a long pointy thing (srew driver, skewer, whatever) to stick into the drainage holes and gently try to pry the whole mess of medium up. Then, when all the medium is loosened, I gently pry it from the pot, so the whole root ball is still covered in the medium. Place in new pot, and fill in the extra space with more medium. Done.
That said, I would think an 8" pot should be more that larege enough for a 16" nep. Are you just interested in re-potting in order to get the "little ones" out?