Hello all,
I want to start by saying how fabulous and informative this site is.
So, my brother gave me a VFT, which I LOVE, but I want to make a nice living environment for it. I have a large glass jar (similar to those you'll find in a coffee house w/ biscotti in them!) My question is how do I do this? I've read just about all the messages in this forum, and I am aware that taking the plant out of the original container may disturb the roots too much. I currently have rocks surrounding the plant inside this jar, and some extra water that sits on the bottom making a lovely, moist atmosphere. My problem is that I realized that there is some funk growing inside, in the water and on the rocks. Not good, kinda gross! The good thing is that my VFT is growing like MAD! It is time to move it into a larger glass jar, and I want to it right. Any suggestions?
Next question... I live in Brooklyn, NY. We don't really have any bugs to catch. What do I feed these creatures? I read that you can purchase grasshoppers at a local pet shop, but won't they be way too big? I spent about 1 1/2 hours last weekend running after a stupid fly, and you know what? my husband called me crazy! and I was...
Thanx for any help... now off for my orchid question...
I want to start by saying how fabulous and informative this site is.
So, my brother gave me a VFT, which I LOVE, but I want to make a nice living environment for it. I have a large glass jar (similar to those you'll find in a coffee house w/ biscotti in them!) My question is how do I do this? I've read just about all the messages in this forum, and I am aware that taking the plant out of the original container may disturb the roots too much. I currently have rocks surrounding the plant inside this jar, and some extra water that sits on the bottom making a lovely, moist atmosphere. My problem is that I realized that there is some funk growing inside, in the water and on the rocks. Not good, kinda gross! The good thing is that my VFT is growing like MAD! It is time to move it into a larger glass jar, and I want to it right. Any suggestions?
Next question... I live in Brooklyn, NY. We don't really have any bugs to catch. What do I feed these creatures? I read that you can purchase grasshoppers at a local pet shop, but won't they be way too big? I spent about 1 1/2 hours last weekend running after a stupid fly, and you know what? my husband called me crazy! and I was...
Thanx for any help... now off for my orchid question...