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For Trade Trading large nepenthes reinwardtiana red HL form and large Brocchina Accuminata for interesting nepenthes hybrids

I have a large nepenthes reinwardtiana red HL form and a medium/large Brocchina Accuminata. The Reinwardtiana red form has produced some vigorous basal rosettes despite the terrible trim job I did on some of the upper leaves to help give the plant a little boost (a bit excessive though on my end). The Brocchina Accuminata is a Myrmecophyte and has produced 2 pups already.

I am looking for more COMMON hybrids containing rajah, villosa, edwardsiana, lowii, Hamata, Glandulifera.

nepenthes gracilis x ampullaria and gracilis x bicalcarata.

Cannot find a Ventricosa x Gracilis cross anywhere or a Reinwardtiana Red HL form x Gracilis black/giant/giant black form or a Reinwardtiana green form x Gracilis giant form. Any Nepenthes Gracilis x kalimantan growers?

Note: I will NOT take anything overly EXPENSIVE or FINICKY.
My conditions:
Summer (June through August) daytime high of 80F, nighttime low of 60F with humidity between 75-90%
Winter (November through March) daytime high of 72F and nighttime low of 55F. Humidity between 65-80%. Plants seem to slow down in this period. Spring (April and May), Fall (September and October) daytime high of 78F and nighttime low of 62F with humidity between 70-85%

I can agree to send the plants first to ensure they arrive safely during shipment than you can send yours once your plants arrive safely. I tend to use a lot of damp paper towel and overkill on the tape sometimes. I can ship bare root if you'd prefer.