Wesley you couldn't be too much more vague by saying "an orchid", there are only about 30,000 orchid species and god knows how many hundreds of thousands of hybrids...
But taking into account that you don't know what kind of orchid you saw, and the fact that you aren't going to find anything too bizzare at Lowes/Home depot/Target I can assume what you saw was one of these:
type in any of these names in Googles Image search and then tell us which one genus you saw. Look for images that show you the whole plant so you can see it's growth habit, canes, above ground bulbs, one stalk, arching "grassy" sprays of leaves, etc.
The above are the "easy" orchids (they still require Nepenthes style care for optimal growth). Some orchids will survive on Neglect but for repeat/continuous blooming/rapid growth you do have to give them all the pampering of pure water, fertilizing lightly and often, rapidly draining soil, high humidity, etc. Each genus of Orchids has it's particular care.
After you know what Genus of orchid you saw check out Georges article on Orchid cultivation. He details all the types you are most likely going to encounter in standard retail outlets.
hope that helps some!