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The rest of the mess

  • Thread starter hcarlton
  • Start date
  • #21
When they arrived, I wasn't sure if my new bananas would even survive...now, I've had to repot and move one out of the greenhouse (it's since lost a fair bit of its color because it's not full sun there, but still looks good) and the others will soon follow
Musa "Zebrina" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And another new iris in the bog bed!
Iris tridentata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iris tridentata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Also, I know it's not a plant, but...the houseplant mushrooms have shown up again
Leucoprinus birnbaumii by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #22
The grass pinks are back
Calopogon tuberosus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
As is Scadoxus, 3 months earlier for some reason
Scadoxus multiflorus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Also I seem to be doing decently with the Queen Anthurium
Anthurium warocqueanum by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And the corpse flowers have their corner taken over again
Amorphophallus corner by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus ongsakulii by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus ongsakulii by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus ongsakulii by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus ongsakulii by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
First flower I've been able to see semi-open on the new P. foetida
Passiflora foetida by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And a handful of yard flowers that I actually had a hand in putting into the yard:
Arctotis fastuosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Scutellaria alpina by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Erythranthe guttata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Nemophila maculata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Bachelor Button by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Anchusa capensis by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #23
Iris dichotoma (2 forms), x norrisii, giganticaerulea, lactea "Kazakhstan"...among the varieties that I have spilling out of my trays that I won't be keeping (I've already selected the ones that stay)
Iris extras by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Awaiting the ripening of a homemade ornamental pepper hybrid
'Medusa' x 'Black Pearl' pepper by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Mystery plant that popped up in a "desert wildflower" mix
Unknown desert snapdragon by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
An aroid that I was not expecting to flower any time soon
Spathantheum fallax by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Spathantheum fallax by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Mentzelia nuda by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
The yard itself has also begun offering a plethora of edible things, from 6 pounds of chokecherries that I turned into syrup
Chokecherries by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
To rosehips (which I found out, if you boil to make tea and then do not sweeten...tastes like tomato)
Rosa rugosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Edible flower (I need to put with the other violets in the front yard, and pick more often)
'Black Devil' Viola by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Tart baking apples
Yard Apples by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And white strawberries!
Fragaria 'White Soul' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #24
This just came with the house...
Delphinium by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
These did not
Rich Sweetness 132 Melon by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Kajari Melon by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iochroma 'Royal Queen' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iochroma 'Royal Queen' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Solanum pimpinellifolium by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Solanum pimpinellifolium by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Pansies also came with the house
Pansy by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Pansy by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Pansy by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Pansy by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Pansy by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #27
Sikkim Cucumber by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Don't know if the A. henryi pollen I have stored is still any good, but I'm gonna try putting it on this...
Amorphophallus konjac by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus polyanthus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus polyanthus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Been waiting several years for this one to do its thing...
Thunbergia mysorensis by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And it was worth it
Thunbergia mysorensis by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Thunbergia mysorensis by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Thunbergia mysorensis by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Thunbergia mysorensis by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #28
May or may not have killed my Sikkim cucumber in my attempt to repot it...and might be at risk with this weirdo too:
Trichosanthes cucumerina by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Hoping both survive though because I desperately want fruits
  • #29
Early spring is the season when bog violets cover the pitcher plant pots more than the pitchers do
Viola lanceolata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Surprise Freesia blooms that I didn't realize were developing. Seeds now on the way.
Freesia laxa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Gotta restart this one (again) because it rotted (it needs to be outside in dry soil, no question), but got a flower at least before it collapsed
Clarkia pulchella by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And yard things are in bloom again
Hyacinth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
bee butt...
Hyacinth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Hyacinth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Also at least one of my bananas is happy enough to have become a monster
Musa "zebrina" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Diplacus pictus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
First iris
Iris verna by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iris verna by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And the purple Iochroma has gone nuts on one branch. Still nothing from red
Iochroma by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And natural yard stuff also coming up
Astragalus sp. by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Wild cactus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #30
These finally managed to reseed on their own, so I don't have to plant them now
Nemophila maculata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Hoping to add to the variety of poppies in the yard; current one is pink, I have deep purple finally establishing, and first attempt didn't work but I'm going to get some white-and-purple going soon
Poppy by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Easiest way to grow peonies: buy a house with them already established
Peony by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iris virginica by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Finally got a flower off this orchid. Only one, but still a flower
Dendrobium kingianum by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And a new Freesia color! This had the same white/red parents as the last one I shared, but apparently it turned out something completely different
Freesia laxa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Native Penstemon in bloom
Penstemon angustifolius by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Penstemon angustifolius by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Penstemon angustifolius by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Penstemon angustifolius by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Might finally get something off this plant, as I've transitioned it outside and it didn't die...so just need to get it in-ground now.
Snake Gourd by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Clock vine bloomed again on two spikes
Clock Vine by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And, lastly: I have a glow-in-the-dark plant
Firefly by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Firefly by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Firefly by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #31
New orchid in bloom
Oeceoclades maculata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Oeceoclades maculata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Oeceoclades maculata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And a very uncommon cool-climate vine that I somehow got to succeed around here. Seeds due to start ripening any day now
Adlumia fungosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Adlumia fungosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Adlumia fungosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Adlumia fungosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Pot-squatter that I'm happy to see again, even though I never planted it among the Sarracenia...
Chamaenerion angustifolium by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Achieved seeds from the white version recently, these are due to ripen in a couple weeks
Freesia laxa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Nemophia maculata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Only managed one flower on desertorum here, and it got clipped off before setting seeds by something
Aquilegia desertorum by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Aquilegia desertorum by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Had a few seeds produced by this, but they're scattered in the dirt now. I should really have collected them...
Scutellaria alpina by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And will have at least a few pods off a brand new blooming beardtongue species
Penstemon strictus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
That the native bees seem to enjoy too
Penstemon strictus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Penstemon strictus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Penstemon strictus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Phacelia campanularia by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Calopogon tuberosus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Radish by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #32
Proboscidea louisianica by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Just repotted the Dragon Tree
Dracaena draco by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And, sadly, killed this plant (and my possibly last attempt at a purple poppy) trying to end the whiteflies that won't leave my outdoor plants alone...
Cerinthe major by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Cerinthe major by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Native wildflower
Argemone polyanthemos by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Mentzelia nuda by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And one of my planted ones
Oenothera elata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Oenothera elata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Strelitzia reginae by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Pinellia pedatisecta by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Campanula americana by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Ipomopsis rubra by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Ipomopsis rubra by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
The white one has returned
Calopogon tuberosus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iris domestica by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #35
Another new "foetida" flower
Passiflora "foetida" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And one of several new fruits, that seems to be developing muhc better in the new location I put the plant (taking over the kitchen windowsill...)
Passiflora "foetida" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Doesn't look like much but I fought to get this thing to grow several times over (mostly because crappy "organic" sludge soil kept killing it).
Streptanthus farnsworthianus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
In full sun the leaves can turn maroon, but at this time of year indoors is the only option
Streptanthus farnsworthianus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
It's a weird one, because the basal leaves start out frilly and fringed, but when the inflorescence starts developing they switch to solid and broad
Streptanthus farnsworthianus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Also, historically I have not done well with succulents, but figuring out that neglect does in fact work best for them. Forgetting they exist for a week at a time has resulted in happy Organ Pipe cactus:
Stenocereus thurberi by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Agave lechuguilla by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Joshua Tree (in much need of repotting)
Yucca brevifolia by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Other Agave,
Agave palmeri by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Agave parryi by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Saguaro that probably need repotting,
Carnegia gigantea by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Mystery Barrel cactus species
Barrel Cactus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And a stapeliad that also needs repotting
Stapelia gigantea by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Non-succulent: this pepper is special to me, because I received the seeds at an event related to an entirely unrelated interest of mine. Much like the name the creator gave it, it has...fluffy origins...
Angry Chihuahua F2 Pepper by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Also I'm finally getting key limes off my tree
Key Limes by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #36
Haven't had this growing in a couple years...
Oenothera speciosus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Very different leaves from the solid, fuzzy elata out in the garden
Oenothera speciosus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Repotted my SG Monstera, thing is growing like a weed
Monstera deliciosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Proboscidea louisianica by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Got my first Ponderosa lemon finally ripening too
Ponderosa lemon by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Tiny corpse flower...
Amorphophallus polyanthus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And other newer tiny corpse flower that I had thought I'd lost up until a couple months ago.
Amorphophallus terrestris by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus terrestris by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Amorphophallus terrestris by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Herbertia lahue by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Rubus parviflorus by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Salvia coccinea by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Salvia coccinea by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Lime basil flowering in the kitchen...unfortunately seems to be a whitefly magnet so I'm scouring it every day for the stragglers that somehow stuck around after I killed their main host in the house...
Ocimum americanum by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And a flower from a more robustly built but slower-growing Angry Chihuahua pepper...deeper purple, extra petals, and funky stigmas with chunkier peppers seems the standard from this one
Angry Chihuahua pepper by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Other munchy things in the kitchen...
Parsley Pea by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Parsley Pea by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #37
Repotted the mystery cacti finally.
Assorted Cacti by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And have another basil in bloom, one that I have become quite enamored with
Ocimum sanctum by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Ocimum sanctum by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Angry Chihuahua by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Angry Chihuahua by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Repotted the second smallest of my bananas, finally (was third smallest but the pink banana rotted...)
Musta sumatrana x "zebrina" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
More edible stuff
Perilla frutescens by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
  • #38
Very early starting some veggies...and one of the two active Okra has bloomed. The red coming soon...
Burmese Okra by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Other edibles lesser known...
Hablitzia tamnoides by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Phacelia campanularia by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Ponthieva racemosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Can't seem to get seeds to form on these, sadly...
Delphinium likiangense by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Delphinium likiangense by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
About to have both seeds and edible younger pods galore on this thing though
Clitoria terneata by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And trying a new edible challenge...wasabi
Wasabia japonica 'Mazuma' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iochroma 'Ashcott Red' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Iochroma 'Ashcott Red' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Dutch Broadleaf Cress by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Wintercress by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr