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The miraculous revival of a troubled Adelae Giant

I've had this little guy for about 6 months. It always has been a little unhappy. Wasn't in the best shape when I got it. At first I put it my terrarium with other similar dews. It slowly recovered but soon took up too much space. I decided to acclimate it to a sunny windowsill with an added daylight bulb lamp. It did okay for a while. Then suddenly it declined. I thought it was dying, but a check of the roots showed it was still okay. I didn't give up on it. A few days ago I noticed some new green growth peeking from under the "husk" it had left behind. I touched the husk and It slid right off. I then saw that not only had it begun to grow but that it had developed a few new crowns. So I will have a tri-clustered lance-leaf sundew. :D

Here's the husk:

Which was all I saw on the soil until I pulled it off to reveal this:

It doesn't look lance leaded yet but I couldn't be more pleased to see it recovering at last. I guess it just went dormant for a while in desperation.
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A very good example. I sometimes wonder how many 'dead' plants I've tossed into the compost bin or spread around my yard with their soil, that were actually alive. I'm sure quite a few...
I have a trinervia right now that's in a similar spot- no sign of above-ground life but I see healthy roots below. It is likely just dormant for the summer. I hope. I really don't know what to do with it.
Mine did the same thing, but I haven't thrown out the pot. It just has a new residence.
This little sundew has already caught about 4 small mosquitoes! Hungry! O.O
Here's what it looks like now. Has grown a lot.
