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The genus arisaema

I've been looking at this book about the "Jack in the Pulpits" online which is available called The Genus Arisaema: A Monograph for Botanists and Nature Lovers by Guy Gusman and Liliane Gusman
I would like to get it but I fear it won't be informative for the hefty price. Is it along the lines of Neps of Borneo giving detailed habiat and ecology info? There is supposed to be about 400 pictures, are they good and near the relevant text or concentrated in the center like most plant books?
Do any of you Aroid heads have this book or have you seen it at a shop and been able to page through it?
The big question is it worth the $70 it retails for from the publisher?

Thanks for any thoughts!  
This book is too pricey, I'll never buy it new!  Hopefully I can find it used in a year or two.  You can buy it from buy.com for $44. Isn't it odd that there's a book on Arisaema but no book on Amorphophallus?
Yeah, it's pricey, I don't mind paying the high price if it's worth it and very detailed and takes me a while to read (like clarkes books). But if I can zip through it in a couple days I'll be irritated. Thanks for the tip on getting it cheaper I'll check it out!

Sadly, there's no Amorphophallus books that I know of but there is an entire magazine put out by the Aroid Society on Amorphophallus which would be cool to get. I just don't know if you gotta be a member to buy old issues.

Not quite related to Aroids:
I finally found a monograph on Aristolochia detailing 120+ species. Published in Brazil and still obtainable but written in Portugese...