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TF Rendezvous in Portland, OR

  • #821
Yes! thank you. I am going to have to wait for another month. Thanks for the reminder!
  • #822
This is pretty short notice but this Saturday, Dec. 9 will be our December meet-up. The Dec. meetings are some of my favorites. Same time, same place.
  • #823
Is there something similar near Seattle or is Portland the closest?
  • #824
There is a group that meets monthly in Seattle. They first announced here at TF and I believe the info they posted at that time is still valid; First meeting Saturday!
  • #826
You'll find their recent postings here: Log into Facebook . Steven Ehlers runs the group now but Bob Beer founded it, I believe. Both are really good guys. They chose the 3rd Saturday of the month so as not to coincide with the Portland meetings, which I always thought was very cool of them.
  • #828
Just a reminder that the next meeting is scheduled for next Saturday on Jan. 13. Please keep an eye on the weather forecast - we would likely cancel if things become too icy/snowy.
  • #829
This is a little close but our next meeting is this Sat. Feb. 10, same time, same place. Being as we had to cancel due to weather, I am certainly looking forward to it.
  • #830
Once again we are on the countdown for our next meeting which will be Sat. March 9 at the Moon and Sixpence Pub in Portland beginning at 3:00 PM. Bring your plants to wow everyone, come for the delicious English pub fare of the M and S, enjoy discussions with people who understand what it means to properly grow carnivorous plants. We are friendly, and easy to find. 'Just look for the people with potted plants on their table!

For those of you who suffer through these announcements every month - my apologies, if so. But I want everyone to know that if you think growing cp's is a blast you should try sharing the experience with like-minded others over a tasty beverage. Maybe there is no such group in your area? Put out the word to others and start one! This is what my friends and I did and we have now been going for nearly 12 years. Our meetings are always a high point in my month and, hopefully, it is the same for others.
  • #831
Be it known that it is announced; our monthly meeting will take place next Saturday, April 13 at the Moon and Sixpence Pub in the Hollywood district of Portland starting at 3:00 P. 'Should be a good one!
  • #832
Our next meeting will be this Saturday, May 11 at the Moon and Sixpence Pub. They say it will be dry and in the 80's but no worries - we've got shade and cold drinks available.
  • #833
Time to announce the June plant meeting to happen on Saturday, June 8 at 3:00 at the Moon and Sixpence Pub in the Hollywood District of Portland. It's time for the sarrs to start showing up in the 'show and tell' plants. All who can see this are welcome to attend.
  • #834
Here's the call for the July meeting, to be held next Saturday on July 13 at the Moon and Sixpence pub in the Hollywood district of Portland, Oregon at 3:00 - ? 'Hope you can make it.
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  • #835
I notice that I called for the August meeting last month, which I have now changed in the interest of clarity. THIS month the August meeting will be held next weekend on August 10 at the Moon and Sixpence Pub beginning at 3:00 PM. All who see this are welcome. 'Should be fun!