It's been a while since I started this thread, but I want to add a little update if you don't mind.
Anyway, I've had this plant for a month and a little bit, and I'm still not 100% sure what it is since there are lots of terrestrial orchids (PlantAKiss says its a cypropedilum but I have no idea
). I thought that it had died for a few weeks since the original leaves that it had dried up. However, a few weeks ago I noticed that it started putting out new leaves!
Here's the pic!
You can see two bulbs there, and they are both green (I think that's a good sign...right?
). The new leaves are coming out of the bulb on the right (I think). I have it in a mix of sand, charcoal, vermiculite, perlite, peaty soil, orchid bark and big lava rock chunks (I have all that stuff hanging around in the garage
). On a side note....
I went to the "national astronomy and ionosphere center" arecibo observatory ( ) on saturday (for my astronomy class) and I noticed a lot of similar looking orchids around the area (as well as some tillandsia but never mind that) that looked a lot like the ones that I have. The wierd thing is that they were growing on the rock walls!! The bulbs were really small, but they looked almost identical to mine. The coolest thing though was that they were also flowering!!
I wish I had taken my camera that day!
So is my orchid terrestrial or not? Thanks in advance.