OK guys using superthrive OVER The reccomended dosage should not be done.
Follow its instructions, 1 drop per gallon or less, petflytrap uses 1/2 drop per gallon. I use superthrive one a month, or every other month depending on the growth in my tank.
Your plants are carnivores, if you use to much, then your telling it there is enough food present, and it does not need to produce it's trapping mechanisms.
Many people grow their plants without any fertilizer what so ever. ALso remember superthrive is not a fertilizer, it is a b vitamin complex with growth hormones, and more is not always better.
I reccomend 1/2 drop to the gallon if you are unsure if the plant can take a full drop a gallon.
The only time I reccomend going above the prescribed dosage is when you are taking cuttings, if you are going to soak the cutting in fungicide, rooting hormone, and so on, I would mix the rooting hormone and superthrive together, giving the superthrive a stronger dose. (5 to 10 drops) this is ok since your not watering the plant with it, your just soaking it temporarily.