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strangest stories

have you ever had strange things happen with your plant ?
--not growing right even though you have all the right conditions ?
-- thought it was one species and it was a completely different one ??
-- had a hybrid and only found out once different types of leaves and colours came out ??
--grew REALLY fast even though you thought you gave it too much fertilizer or mineraled water by accident !
Tell is your stories and be specific, thx
The stranges thing I had happen with my plants was that one day I came home to find the maintance man in my apartment (this was back in Colorado.) When I asked why he was there he said he just wanted a closer look at my cool plants.

When I reported him for being in my apartment without permission he changed his story to "I thought it looked like marajuanna and I wanted to check as is my duty." So I brought the Nepenthes in question to the manager just to point out how unlike marijuanna it was.

Needless to say, Mr. Fix It was fired.

Ha! thats a good one pyro!
Gadzooks! What would happen to you if you smoked it???
I can see it now... "Hey man, whatcha doin'?" "Oh, not much, just smoking some nepenthes."
"Oh, I see."

That comment was meant as a joke, no harm done. If you are offended, I am sorry. There was no offensiveness meant.