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starting green dragons

  • Thread starter shaun
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how do you plant green dragon bulbs &what kind of conditions are req. how long before you see them grow ?
Well you plant them in a 60% sphagnum peat 40% perlite or washed sand mix. Put it/them in a plastic pot. when you get the rhizomes you will see that the bottom near the roots is white and well the rest is green. Poke your finger in the soil as deep as the roots are longput the rhizome in there and youre pretty much done. If there are traps on the rhizome be careful they like to curl twards the roots and can be a pain to plant sometimes so just hold it so that the traps are in your palm and your fingers are around the rhizome...if that makes sense

you should start seeing new growth in a week or 2
unknownclown nailed it! a green dragon requires the same care as a typicla vft, but to me, it looks cooler lol