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ARG...now i know what u mean...the squirrels dug up all my vfts, and left two outside the pot to dry out completely....i made a LOT of leaf cuttings just incase they died...the traps were just starting to develop the red in their traps...what are some ways to keep them from my plants, or to "hurt" them without using a gun?
Humane trap... get a dog or a cat ...

Borrow someones dog or cat for a few days??
Peppermint or Spearmint essential oils diluted in water and sprayed on and around the plants, or maybe even peppermint and spearmint leaves scattered fresh daily around the area. If I'm not mistaken, they hate the smell.
I hate squirrels especially chipmunk. During the growing seasons, they would come up and eat the unborn traps and one time a squirrel dug up one of my VFT. Thank god it eat the "bulb"
too bad my dog doesnt like chasing squirrels...if i spray the sutff on the trees, would that make them not come down?
That peppermint thing might work; and even if it didn't
You could have a squirrel 'line up' and smell their breath
and shoot the bastard that ate your VFT'S! !
ur over reacting-there plants ok get over it.
if u really cared about ur plants u would have thought of a way of keeping them from harm before u even brought them.obviously u don't so i'll have to do it for u. simply get a cage and put it around ur vfts-then nothing can get to them and they still get the benifits from being outside-u live in North american i guess lol, isn't everything over there so cheap? so i am sure u can offord a cage of some sort.