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i was thinking of repotting my bical and sticking it outside of mmy screen next to the vegtables in the back of my house, it will get pefect shade and sun from the bugamvilias on the top shading em off and stuff

but my dad said is it good for them to get canal water, thers a canal in my back yard and 2 days ago there was a 2-3ft baby aligator :O

well anyway the sprinkl;er isnt right next to it its about 4 ft away but will it be good or bad if it gets the water? it comes direectly from the canal behind us, if its bad i think i can get get one of those things to blcok the sprinler from spraying that way

just wanted to ask before i did it, thanks
I would be real careful with that. Only way to know for sure it to have it tested for dissolved solids. Plus (depending on where you live) there is the potential that there are other chemicals and fertilizers in it depending on whatever run off might be there from surrounding houses/farms/industry etc etc. If you had some expendible plants you could always try it for a few months and see what happens but it would probably be cheaper and faster to take a sample to a pool place for testing. Keep in mind though that it might test out great but next week it might be vastly different in quality depending on rainfall and such.
thanks tony agian

i think ill just put like a plastic cover around the pot to shield it from the sprinkler at night

but its kidna far so i think only a few drops would fall on it i dont think it would get soaked