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I've seen my Ventrata (ventricosa x alata) and Wiglyana/Morganiana (similar to the Coccinea hybrid) drooling. In the very hottest part of summer (late August) my bicalcarata was also making a wet and somewhat whitish "snot" on the peristome which dripped inwards towards the fluid. It's almost gross to have plants that produce their own phlem!
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like my Neps to make excess nectar because....I like to taste it! It's so yummy! Like a melted lollipop![/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nepenthes gracilis @ Oct. 18 2002,12:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like my Neps to make excess nectar because....I like to taste it! It's so yummy! Like a melted lollipop!
[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
for real? canI really eat the nectar?! that would be cool.....but if I got a craze for it, I would start eating whole plants!ROFL!....really, can I?thanks.
ok nep.g lay off the teasting for a while i just went around to all my nep. and there all dry. i didn't get a lolli pop
I've tasted a bit of truncata nectar once. I only had the tiniest drop though, as I wasn't sure if it was poisinous or not. I guess I'll have more of the many globules of nectar on my large truncata pitchers then
I told my girlfriend one night last summer that I was gonna taste the nectar while I was doing some watering and she was not too enthusastic about the idea. Her reply was something like "you go ahead, I'll get poison control on the phone."
I tried it anyway (a very tiny amount on the end of a finger touched to my tongue) but it didn't taste like anything to me but then I've been a smoker since I was in 6th grade and my tastebuds are pretty much gone for subtle tastes.
After seeing the real thick slimey stuff I don't think I'd taste that, like I said it looked like phelm so, no way!
That probably wasn't nectar, most likely a form of mold that was feeding OON the nectar secretions.
O, BTW, I find the most tastiest neps to be:
the hybrid Veitchii x Truncata
They are in order from MOST tastiest to LEAST tastiest.
sorry guys, but my mom won't let me eat some...drool...droooool
I start drooling myself. lol drooool
(whith tounge hanging out) drooooooolllll
wah! (starts crying like a baby) waaaaaaah
waaaaaaaaah. just kidding, I wouldn't cry over something like that
You could always be sneeky and eat some as a midnight snack
. I had some more nectar yesturday. It was pretty sweet, but then it started to get wierd, so I decided I probably wouldn't make it a part of my usual diet.
I just tried a verry little taste of it...but my parents had to wach. they were talking about it and my mom said, "you shouldn't eat nectar off of a pitcher that has rotting flesh in it." my dad then said, "no, he ate some off of one that didn't have anything "rotting" in it." then I said, "Well, I did eat it off of one that has a rotting fly, and maybe an ant in it."
for real, I did eat some. I did taste kinda sweet... are you guys joking about this? Is it really poisinus? because I just ate some...I am kinda feeling sick...braah!(sounds of being sick.)j/k I shouldn't make sounds like that cause it is a rule that you can't make those sounds
It is not poisonous. I just like to taste it to watch people's reactions. It is not at all harmful to you, well unless of course you were a fly drinking it!
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