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Somebody Please Help Me!

I just ordered a VFT from here and I've been looking around for information but every single site tells me something different! Please somebody help! Who can I believe? If you can't catch me here my E-Mail is james4422002@yahho.com. All help is greatly appreciated!

This is the right place to come, the owners of this site specialize in growing flytraps!

Your going to get varrying instructions based on where people live, and their experience.

So why don't you tell us where you live, where you plan to grow your flytraps, and what resources you have at your disposal.

i.e. do you have artificial lights? Distilled water? What is the temperature in your house?

So on and so forth... or do you plan on growing them outdoors?

All these things are very important!
Well, I live in California (It's Summer), the temp. Inside is a varying 80 F. I was planning maby on a windowsill (inside). I do have distilled water and I don't have any lights specified for growing.
I have grown VFT on a West windowsill without any difficulty (South would be fine also). They get full sun from about noon till sunset as VFT need alot of light and warm temperatures during the day to do well. Distilled water is great. Just put the plant in a tray and keep a little water at the bottom.
  At the top of this forum page are several links.  Click the "Plant Care" link, then on the next page click the "Venus Flytrap Care Sheet" link.  This will give you some good basic care information. The plant will also come with a care sheet.
  A window sill works fine.  Especially a north facing window that gets lots of sunshine.   May want to shade it if the temps get too much above 80°F.   Keep your plant in a tray with about ½" to ¾" of dist. water.  Also, if you keep the plastic cover on the plant, do not place the plant in direct sunlight.  You'll cook it quick.
Hey James,

Not to be a punk, but what part of California do you live in? It's been pretty warm everywhere. I've lived in Humboldt County (north), Bay Area (middle), and Burbank (southern). It you live in the far north I recommend south or west, if in the Bay it depends who's house you're next to
and in the the south part of the state I'd stay away from southern windows unless you like crispy plants. I'm in Burbank right now, I like northern and eastern windows.
Thanks so much all of you!
Keep it coming! I'm jotting down every tiny bit of info! I live about 3 hours West of the Bay Area, Michelle. I really don't want the poor guy to die! And does anyone know how much to feed it?
Hi again James

Just wanted to say the VFT does not need to be covered...they don't need real high humidity and they like air circulation so uncovered is best. Just plop it on a windowsill with lots of bright light and keep the soil wet (distilled or rain water) and in a tray/saucer of water.

That should be fine.

  • #10
Oh, and Suzanne I have a digital camera so as soon as I can figure it out I'll start putting pictures of it up.
  • #11
Direct sun isn't bad as long as it isn't scorching. Some morning or late sun isn't bad, but you have to acclimate it so it is used to it. Meaning give it half an hour of direct sun one day, add another 15min the next, and so on. I just find it easier to give it full indirect sun (north) and it gets a peek of sunset light so it's not to0 hot. If there's a sudden heat wave, give it a break and move it a foot back from the window. Think of it this way: if you stuck your arm in the window would ya burn quickly? If I'm not going outside to hang out, I don't think my VFT would like it, either.

Let's see, I was in Mountain View the other summer with my VFT, I had it in the southern facing window but it was shaded with half closed mini-blind slats. Didn't get any direct sun any other way. Really depends on your home/windowsill.

You should have not problems with humidity in your area, anytime of the year. The water advice is probably the most important. Oh, and keep in mind dormancy come november/december.
  • #12
Thanks, wickedthistle, I have this big glass table that I scoot right up to a window. How would that be?
  • #13
Probably just fine. Give it a bit of sun, keep an eye on it. If it doesn't start wilting or turning brown or yellow dramatically, you can slowly start increasing its sunlight. I'd avoid giving it all-day sun, even if it's used to it.

No matter what, make sure it has plenty of water
  • #14
The glass table is like a foot lower than the window but I thought there might be some reflection or watever but just forget it, I'll just put it on the windowsill. By the way, what is the usuall amount of leaves the VFT comes with? (I ordered it here.)
  • #15
Would hanging it in front of the window be better?
  • #16
I wouldn't put it in a hanging anything

IT should be fine on the table, by the window.

Most plants here are now making about 6-12 traps per plant.

Where ever you get one from, there will be shock and you will lose some leaves, so don't panic....just be patient with the plant and provide it with the best conditons and you will be cool, and your plant will love you!!
  • #17
How many (about) will I loose from the shock?
  • #18
Hi James

Don't fret over it losing a few leaves or traps. They do that anyway naturally. The traps will feed 3-4 times and then die off. That's why it keeps growing new leaves from the center as the older ones die off. So don't worry about it.

  • #19
Hi James,
  About 2 weeks ago I recieved 8 VFTs from PFT (4 green dragons & 4 red dragons) and they came through in very good condition.  I didn't lose any traps to shipping shock.  They are very healthy plants.  I didn't even phase them when I put them directly in the sun outside without hardening them off any.  Not something I would recommend doing, but yours should do fine as an indoor plant.
  Congratulations on your new VFT
  • #20
Thanks, guys, I can't wait for it to get here!!!!!