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 I just sprouted some bladderwort seeds (They were from the ICPS and I don't remember the name.  I'll go check later).  They're Trpoical and just have one or two leaves each.  I'm not sure what to do next tho.  The medium I have them in (runny peat) would just swallow them up if I dumped the thing out.  I think I may be getting some algae in there so they may need to be moved pronto.  What do I do?

Oh, BTW: I can't post a picture yet BCS they're in a jar so I can't get close to them and I can't zoom in far enuf with a DC (i'll post some pics asap, that is, if they don't die).
Hey Gafato,

I'm not an expert, but mine are also in a jar and doing pretty well. I've got them in a small round goldfish bowl, about 3-5" inches. They're in two inches of water, and 1/4" peat at the bottom with a pinch of sand thrown in. Maybe put a little less water since you have little ones, just so some of the plant can touch the peat.

Yeah, but I think they'll end up crowding each other. I'd like to get them somewhere where they can be a little more maneagable. BTW they're Longifolia. What are urs Thistle? They look aquatic.
In my fairly limited experience growing utrics from seed, I've found that they grow very slowly at first. You will need to put them on a peat or sphagnum substrate.
I would recommend a mix of milled and dried dead LF sphag for longifolia sprouts. To avoid harming the seedlings I suggest you remove a chunk of the peat with them and set the whole thing in the sphag. I would suggest a 3" pot on the tray system, every 1-3 days mist them a fair amount. As they get larger switch from misting to sucking the water from the tray with a turkey baster and squirt it (gently) around the plantlets.

This is the method I have adopted for my reniformis seedlings and they are growing strong.

As they plants mature you can probably stay with a LF sphag mix but you might also want to consider a more open mix. I grow mine in 1:1:1:1 orchid bark:LF sphag:lava rock:charcoal. Some times I add 5% peat just for a little extra acidity

All good suggestions but I think I know why the seeds sprouted and why I think I'm going to leave them for a week or so. I set them in the medium Pyro recomended when he was participating in a discussion with me about seeds. They are on a very runny peat mix. in the bottom of a large honey jar. The honey jar isn't conducive to remvoing the seedlings (foresight, eh?) but provides wonderfully constant humidity. The U. Longifolia seedlings are growing quickly though so I should be able to work out a way to scoop them up in the next week. BTW: How much light should the little guys get?
U. longifolia can take lower light levels. 50% sun or under fluorescents should do fine.