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hey guys,
here some more pics.  


first are some of my temperate plants commin out of dormancy.


second is a pic of my H.minor x heterodoxa


Last are two pics of my small cephalotus



Please post and comments, questions, or suggestions.

wow nice heli, may i ask how tall the tallest pitcher is and how old is it? One of the pics didnt work, nice ceph!
Well I've got a question
Where the #### can I get a Cephalotus?!??!!
I've been dying for one and I've got everything it needs to live! Are they expensive? I don't think petflytrap sell them?
california carnivores sells them.
best carnivorous plants sells them.
go to the trading forums, someone is likely to have one for trade.
OK, so we get our posts removed if we make mention of our own sales which are not for profit, but when others mention nurseries other than Exotic Gardens who are selling plants, nobody cares. What's up with that?

Sorry to make an example of you, spectabilis!

Hmm, the image source buttons aren't working....

Check out this pic of my seed grown H.heterodoxa taken yesterday. This is maybe 2 years from seed? It would probably be flowering by now if I'd actually fed or fertilized it!
This one's from the long necked form from the Gran Sabana.

the cheapest price I found was 7.95 at cooks but they do have some for about 20 bucks . if they do not have them in stock right noiw try dangerousplants or cobraplant , they sell them .
This isn't a forum for censorship, where the mention of another company gets someone in trouble... or a post removed. RARELY does ANYTHING get edited or removed.

What *IS* removed is blatant violation of a basic rule that we've all agreed to here... no sales. That is no sales for personal or company profit.

So, that being said... if someone on here was looking for a cool drosera, and another member mentioned that "sundewmatt" had one for sale... the post wouldn't be removed... but if you are a grower that comes here and says "come buy my stuff"... it WILL be removed.

There is a big difference.

A line has to be drawn, and a while back...when things were getting out of control... the moderators debated on what would be allowable. And that was it. The basic rule. No sales.

From day one... this place was created for people to get together and learn, share, and become familiar with these awesome plants! Even our company has kept any mention of 'sale' to a minimum ... to keep from cluttering the atmosphere with capitalism.

So, at the very least... sit back and understand why it is what it is... and don't poke at a bee hive to make a point.

I let the moderators do their job... and rarely chime in.... because they do so well. I don't want to police nor baby sit. I believe we all just get along fine with sharing of knowledge and trading plants... simple as that.

Ugh.. enough said.



  • #10
Hi Phillip,
Sorry to cause you any grief. I have no problem with your commercial grower policy and understand and agree with it fully, but, as I just pointed out in another thread, I am not a commercial grower and not personally profiting off the sale of my plants. The money (which is not much at all) is being reinvested into what nearly anyone here would consider a good cause. If I had to live off my plant sales, I'd be living in a cardboard box growing Canadian purpurea and begging for food.
Ironically, your post comes right after a mention of 3 commercial growers offering a plant, even listing prices. This is something which I feel conflicts with your goals a lot more than the post I made which mentioned an upcoming sale but was far from the advertisement I planned, but whatever...
I've got no problem with you or most of the PFT moderators, Phillip.
  • #11
Nice pics...

I'm locking this thread. Questions about forum policy can be addressed in the Exotic Gardens company forum.
  • #12
Sorry Dyflam.. had to say ONE more thing

Then I'll lock it back

--- ANYWAY---

Matt, I guess the confusion is more... about just the term 'sale' ... the sales of plants...

I understand that it may be a good cause, and that you do not 'profit' ... I guess at 3am, my words didn't come out as intened....

I don't necessarily mean "profit" ... or whatever... but the whole point was when we sorta set the standard of no sales... was to keep it simple... just no sales.... the only thing we decided was fair, is if people request $$ for postage of a package... in a trade, etc.

Why is this? Well... initially when exceptions were made... soon thereafter a ton of people just started jumping in and selling stuff.

So it sets a Precedent. And at this point, because of the abuse during an exception... we've just had to say NO to sales.

However, I feel that everyone NOW knows what's going on... and how cranky we get at the situation... so I'm going to endorse your sale... and put it in the trade and sundew forum.
  • #13
Amazing plants you've got there in those pictures!!! Hopefully when I'm a bit more mature I can get my hands on some more amazing carniverous plants!
(I only have one rather small Commen Venus Flytrap)