Hi there!
I recently found some reddish spots on my Ne. macrovulgaris.
Looks pretty much like a rust spot fungus to me, but I´m not sure...
My plants grow under bright lighting, high humidity and proper ventilation.
Anyway, I´ve also uploaded a picture of my Ne. macrophylla and Ne. bicalcarata to compensate you for taking a look at a fungus
Sorry for the blurred pictures. Should get myself a better camera
Thanks in advance!
I recently found some reddish spots on my Ne. macrovulgaris.
Looks pretty much like a rust spot fungus to me, but I´m not sure...
My plants grow under bright lighting, high humidity and proper ventilation.
Anyway, I´ve also uploaded a picture of my Ne. macrophylla and Ne. bicalcarata to compensate you for taking a look at a fungus
Sorry for the blurred pictures. Should get myself a better camera
Thanks in advance!