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Rainbows in the Midwest

  • #101
'Missed the last post. Those flowers on the "Buru Oil Fields" B. guehoi are certainly nice. 'Makes me realize that I've let my efforts completely fall apart. 'Time to plant some seeds!
  • #102
I need to get another Buru plant established so I can make seeds...the one died back but has a sprout coming off the old stem, but I need another. Problem is all the other things taking time, no time yet to go back and start new batches (especially for localities that haven't yet decided to sprout or flower for me).
  • #103
Haven't posted in here in forever...because I haven't had my annuals going for quite some time. That's changed...
B. aquatica "Robust" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
My 2nd successful hybrid
B. liniflora x guehoi by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
B. liniflora x guehoi by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
B. liniflora x guehoi by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
My Lake Campion rorida failed again...blaming crappy peat in the soil this time because that's affected almost everything...but my Taylor's Lagoon are back to blooming. Unfortunately only one plant so far though, so new seeds are not yet happening...
B. rorida 'Taylor's Lagoon" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And a funky plant that is supposedly a "dark flowered" liniflora...it does self-seed so that fits, but the lanky growth is odd
B. liniflora "dark flower, Kingston Rest" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
B. liniflora "dark flower, Kingston Rest" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And I also have at least one (so far) liniflora x filifolia
B. liniflora x filifolia by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
B. liniflora x filifolia by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr