TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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My vfts are starting to put up thier flower stalks and I was wondering is there a perfect time to cut them down or should I get to it right now? They are only up maybe a half an inch at the moment.
Hack them down now...right?
If you don't want your plant to flower, cut it as soon as you realize it is a flower.
Unless you want to cross-pollinate it with another flytrap in flower, ditto to Jaie's answer.
If any of you really want some Dionaea seed to germinate, just look for it online. I got some from the ICPS Seedbank and it germinated readily and the miniscule seedlings are fascinating. Also, some people like to *completely* grow their plants, from the VERY beginning. I'd really rather buy a mature VFT from PFT!
My experience with germinating them isn't even a romantic comedy!
They only took a couple weeks to sprout, but they're very slow growing. Not all of them sprouted, but I was afraid none would!
My setup:
I used a 15 cm full-size pot with some sphagnum covering the drainage holes in the bottom, the main mix was about a 60:40 peat/sand with a small amount of charcoal added (I'm a charcoal freak), and topped with some very finely chopped long fiber sphagnum. I kept them at about 75F and 100% humidity until they started to sprout. Unfortunately, they'll take an unbearably long time to reach the sort of maturity you'd see in a PFT VFT.
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