Moderator Schmoderator Fluorescent fluorite, Engl
I desperately need to get my 20-gal. tank set up but I have been procrastinating for one main reason. I am afraid that the tank will be too heavy for me to move it once its set up. I need to be able to slide it out and away from the lighting to get into it.
My current little 10-gal. is set up with a layer of rocks and layer of long-fibered spaghnum moss over that. This has worked pretty well...tank humidity around 80% and I haven't had any problems with it. But with the rocks, the tank has some weight to it. So I know if I use the same set up with the 20, its probably going to be waaaay too heavy for me to slide out from under the lights. The tank alone is quite heavy (for me anyway...I'm a weakling compared to some of you 6-foot+ giants out there).
So I was wondering what the opion is regarding the rocks. Are they necessary? Would the tank do just as well with only a layer of moss? It would certainly be MUCH lighter without the rocks. But if rocks contribute significantly to the evaporation, then I'd hate to not use them. I have some of my orchids sitting in trays with rocks but I don't have to move those trays like I will this tank.
Anyone out there using a soil-less tank have any thoughts on this?
Would really appreciate any suggestions.
I desperately need to get my 20-gal. tank set up but I have been procrastinating for one main reason. I am afraid that the tank will be too heavy for me to move it once its set up. I need to be able to slide it out and away from the lighting to get into it.
My current little 10-gal. is set up with a layer of rocks and layer of long-fibered spaghnum moss over that. This has worked pretty well...tank humidity around 80% and I haven't had any problems with it. But with the rocks, the tank has some weight to it. So I know if I use the same set up with the 20, its probably going to be waaaay too heavy for me to slide out from under the lights. The tank alone is quite heavy (for me anyway...I'm a weakling compared to some of you 6-foot+ giants out there).
So I was wondering what the opion is regarding the rocks. Are they necessary? Would the tank do just as well with only a layer of moss? It would certainly be MUCH lighter without the rocks. But if rocks contribute significantly to the evaporation, then I'd hate to not use them. I have some of my orchids sitting in trays with rocks but I don't have to move those trays like I will this tank.
Anyone out there using a soil-less tank have any thoughts on this?
Would really appreciate any suggestions.