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Qns about cuttings

hey how long does it take...:

1)A VFT cutting to sprout?

2) a nep cutting to form roots?

I can answer number two. It took 6 weeks for my nep cuttings to root. They started growth before that though.

I have had Nep cuttings take upto 4 months before they grew roots. Patience is the key with them.

VFT cuttings usually strike in a few weeks but as long as there is live tissue I would leave it be.
On a vft do you have to have the white tip of the bulb or rhizome in order for it to grow roots?
Yup, you need a piece of the rhizome more than the leaf as far as I know. In fact, you could just use a piece of the rhizome if you really needed to.