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Pygmy sundew question.

Hello everybody,
I have a question about pygmy sundews. A couple of my Drosera nitidula ssp. nitidula are producing a cone shaped group of hairs in the middle. Lately they have also been putting out a lot of new dewy leaves. If it helps at all, they're all currently flowering. From what I've learned, this means gemmae will soon follow, but I wanted to make sure... THANKS!!
Silly me, I forgot all about stipules. But for some reason, they just became noticable today, and its already started cooling down, both indoors and out. Upon closer inspection, there are indeed what appear to be gemmae, although I could be wrong, but from the pictures I've seen, these are textbook gemmae
Hopefully soon, I'll have new little plants. Any suggestions?? THANKS!!
Sounds a bit early for gemmae...maybe something is affecting its photoperiod.