My sundews need help (wierd cuz im the self proclaimed king of dew lol j/k)anyways, i sowed alot of gemmae of nitudula X occendtalis (spellin is off) about 6 months ago and had them on the windowsill to start of with. after they sprouted, i moved them into a tank with a partially covered top (plastic wrap cover). it gets alot of light and is misted to allow high humidity. none of the plants are producing any leaves and all are stuck in the same phase of producing leaves but none are coming out. i heard that they liked lower humidty but i danno. The same problem happened to my other pygmies, but after i increseed light, it got better and produced more leaves. all the plants are getting alot of natural light. has this probalem happened to anyone of you guys? (sorry if this question is kinda organized wierd