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Put Plant in Fridge

Hello everyone! This is offically my first post :)

I believe I have made a mistake with my VFT.  It is now March and I haven't put the plant in dormancy... This is partly due to the fact that I have conflicting information on what I should be doing.  Some say just put it in a cool room (which I don't have, I'm in an apt.) and others in the fridge.  So after I write this post I'm going to put my plant in the fridge since I just read it'll die if it gets no dormancy.  As you can see I am quite confused about this.  Also, I'm right about to snip a flower bud.  Thats the right thing to do, correct?  After I place my plant in the fridge, then what? and is this to late?  The plant seems healthy at this point, but please help! Thanks....
Welcome to the forums Rinnt!

Venus Flytraps enter dormancy in late autumn, so people's plants are coming OUT of dormancy right now.
It's ok if your plant missed a dormancy, do not put it into dormancy now. Wait until later this year.

And you were right in removing the flower stalk--they weaken the plants.

You may also want to check out:
<a href="http://www.sarracenia.com/faq.html

good" target="_blank">http://www.sarracenia.com/faq.html

good</a> luck with your plant!

(Edited by Dionaea Enthusiast at 12
7 am on Mar. 15, 2002)

(Edited by Dionaea Enthusiast at 12
8 am on Mar. 15, 2002)
wow that was fast!  OK, I just took my plant out of the fridge.  It was only in there for about an hour, so I'd think I'll be okay.  Thanks for the link too! I orginally saw it quite some time ago but misplaced it.  

Now, Assuming I go with "Method 3" (back in the fridge) next year, should I still water the VFT while in this stage?  I see it does not need light (and air apparently), but nothing is mentioned about water that I can see.  Tempertature is not mentioned either, but  I would think anything above freezing???  

I've had my plant almost a year.  However, over the past month I've discovered an usual development.  When the traps/leaves die (or even before) they become partly orange/yellow.  It's almost as if it has a disease because even the baby traps are doing it.  I searched the link you gave me but didn't find anything directly pertaining to this subject.  Any ideas?

And lastly (promise this is it :) , is there ANY way to accelerate my VFT growth?  It's currently on a window sill (I'm in Maine), gets plenty of light and water.  Don't have it in a terrarium but I think for the most part it's in optimal living conditions.

Thanks again!!!
It does need air. It needs O2 to for cellular respiration, which makes energy for it... you know, to live. Like a tree in winter. Maybe you can put it into dormancy a little bit early this winter. Catch up on some much needed sleep. Thats my suggestion. Be careful with it basically. No "accidentally" touching traps, like i did... Dont feed it unless you KNOW that it will close (newish leaf), know that it will be totally covered, and know that it wont kill the trap (like hamburger)... You know, so that it doesnt waste energy... Kuz it needs to sleep... Catch my drift? Just treat it gentle, even if it looks healthy, until next year, when it comes out of dormancy...
Hey Rinnt

First off WELCOME!!

I am glad you found us

secondly, you will need to keep the plant moist, not totally wet ( like you would during the grow season. ) You really just want to make sure that it doesn't dry out.

And about the temps. The firdge is best because the temps are around what it needs. mid 30's to mid 40's. Just don't put it in the back on the fridge...that is where it is colder and you might have a problem. Up at the front is the best thing.

About your leaves...if it is when they are dying ( and not all of them
) It is fine. My does that too as I am sure others do also. Just as long as it isn't all of them at once!!

Just remember that they are leaves ( only modified ) and they die off just like other kinds of plants do. I wouldn't worry about it ( although that was a great observation

About speeding up your plants growth. Check out some of the other topics. There is a lot of information about that.

You can try Superthrive
Feeding more ( but not too much )
Using an alternative food source

It won't grow real fast, but you can see an increase in the growth.

If you have the means...you can add CO2 to your tank ( if you have one )....plants eat that up and grow nicely.

Hope this all helps

Keep us up to date on your plant!!
mine has white fuzz what is it.