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Problem with my hamta set up

Im setting up the tank/terrarium in which i will keep Tony's hamta in. Here it is:

A small tank with the bottom lined with damp long fibered sphagnum (idea from Nep G), plastic wrap top.

The humidity gage says it is like only 55% even though the tank is heavly mistedand place in the sun. Maybe the humidity thing is broken. Imma pick up a reptile gage that tells heat/temp and humdity.

anytips on rasing humidty
Those thing can take up to a week to get a reading , so it may take a while. There generally not very good at reading high humidity either and they get less accurate if they're used a lot.
Sounds like your gage is broken. Hygrometers are notoriously inaccurate, unless they are expensive sensitive lab equipment. I have never owned one and probably never will.

There will be plenty of humidity for it in a covered terrarium. Just don't cook it in the direct sun.
I don't use a humdity meter for my Neps. you can tell if humdity does drop by Hamata's pitchers, if the lids start to go down mist quickly then you'll be fine, I haven't a problem with my humdity since my meter broke awhile ago so I do realy wanna spend another 20$ on one again anyways UNLESS it is very high quality and won't stop working like the other's did. But yeah if you humdity does drop low you'll see hamata's lids get VERY soft or they'll flop down like a sheet of paper if you hold it on one end. How much spahngum did you put down anyhow? I put about 6 inches of living sphag.
Thanks for the info ppl. I think imma do fine...
I have several of those dial type meters and one digital type hygro/thermo unit. Every one of them give different readings! It's funny because I clutter them all in one spot in one enclosure and just 1" away the temp is 10* cooler and 20% more humidity?
 But I suppose having one pair (one thermometer and one hygrometer) just to give you a ballpark idea of your enclosure could be a good idea. Hamata is the most touchy Nepenthes I've owned so far.
I've seen the lids clapping while I got my nighttime cooling and humidity figured out.
wrap your hygrometer for 30 minutes in a moist towel.
It should show something very near to 100%
Or hold it over an Ultrasonic humidifier!