Um... you see, my terrarium is kind of small, and full and I was curious about repotting,: Have babies in tall 4" pots, and they seem happy.
(1) How do you know when/if you need to transplant them?
(2) if nepenthes have shallow roots and don't depend on their them for nutrients, what are the benefits to planting them in large pots? (0ther than stability)
(3) Doesn't transplanting cause shock? I read somewhere that you should transplant every year to revive the soil?
(4) Will keeping them in small pots in essence "bonsai" them?
(1) How do you know when/if you need to transplant them?
(2) if nepenthes have shallow roots and don't depend on their them for nutrients, what are the benefits to planting them in large pots? (0ther than stability)
(3) Doesn't transplanting cause shock? I read somewhere that you should transplant every year to revive the soil?
(4) Will keeping them in small pots in essence "bonsai" them?