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Here is a photo of one of my set-ups the plastic box in the lower right corner is the CO2 system that is made by Jungle Labs. This pond has U.gibba, vulgaris?sp, inflata ,Aldrovanda, water mint, and tadpoles with a crawfish thrown in for good measure.
Other than the CO2 injector, do you have any other things hooked up to it? You are inspiring me... Say theres nothing else...
I THINK I can see the vulgaris in question... Probably wrong, because I dont know what gibba looks like, but is it the piece that is growing downward on the picture, on the injector?
Yah... hard to describe... You know... The green thing... It looks ropey... Yea, thatone...
wow, that is really kewl!!! looks great! and hey i think i see the craw fish... :\ uh nope just more plants.. that is ok. the plants are neater anyway!
Here are the answers;
Parasuco: That's it nothing added, just a water pond container from Home Depot. The only reason I added the CO2 generator was because I wnated to grow Aldrovanda in it. The other plants were doing fine without.
Rajah: The Pond is about 2 feet deep
Now does anyone need some U. gibba ? My other water pond has even more in it.
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