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Please help me ID this insect...

This ugly little insect often appears in my bathrooms.  Is it safe to feed it to a VFT? Thanks in advance! - Leo

hmmm.... That looks alot like a silver fish. And yea, perfect to feed to your vft's in my opinion, unless you want holes in your clothes [eat through them like mice].
It is definately a silver fish. I find them perfectly to feed. :biggrin:

In a terrarium, this bug would be a fungus vector. I don't see how you will get a trap to shut on something so small and fast--won't it just squeeze back out?

Tell me how it goes.

Actually guys that is a cousin of the silverfish, it is called a Firebrat. Notice the 3 long apendages at the abdomen and the distintive coppery,reddish head it has, that is where Firebrat came from. A silverfish has more of a blackish,gray head rather than tan,red,brownish. Perfectly fine to feed to VFT's, though you might wanna stun it without killing it as they can slip through ANY thin space as we all know! :eek:
Thanks for the feedback. Popped one into the mouth of a green dragon, and boy do these traps shut tight - I was initially worried that the silverfish would be nimble enough to sneak out cuz I've seen them slip though impossibly narrow slits before. Now I just pray that the trap doesn't go black for whatever reason.
I said silverfish.  I meant to say Firebrat. :wink:  