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Hi, there are little plantlets coming out of my the base of my n. tobaica. I was wondering how long does it take for these to root generally? thanks.
Well, the offshoots dont generally form roots on their own when still attached to the mother plant. In my experience, the offshoots form just above the one root system of the mother plant. Try cutting the offshoots off when the get bigger, diping them in root horomone, and treating them like stem cuttings. My 2 cents
If you have bright and humid growing conditions you should be able to remove them and treat them as a cutting and they will root no problem. I've never had a removed basal shoot fail, even on the "hard" species like N. rajah. I removed the rajah offsets when they were between 3/4" and 1" in diameter.
Just let the basal shoot grow enough that you can remove the lower three or four leaves (and still have three or four left on top), you need that stem (with removed leaves) for stabilizing the cutting while it's rootless as well as giving it a good amount of stem material for the roots to come out of.
How can one manage to remove a basal shoot completely without harming the mother plant. The basal shoots usually come out too close to the roots and if one were to remove the basal shoot, since it is too close to the base of the plant, the mother plant may collapse. I look forward to your reply
If I tried to remove the basal growth from one of my plants right now I'm pretty sure I would kill it. It is coming out off the largest root right next to the main growth point.
I just read that you can notch a stem, bend it into the medium, wait, and a new plant should develop. Combine this with cuttings and that's good enough for me. Haven't even started messing with pollen yet.
Simply cut the basal shoot off at ground level, no need to fiddle with the mother plant or it's roots at all. You might need to buy some special equiptment if you're working with tiny shoots like I did. I used a long soft tip forceps and a new scalpel as my fingers are much too unweildy for delicate work. You must have good conditions for your shoots to sit unmoved in for some time so they can be allowed to heal and root as they are very small and do not have the food reserves stored in the stalk that the mother plant does so these tiny shoots can not dry out nor sit in dim light.
Rooting hormone is good if it has fungicide added to it, superthrive is OK for cuttings too but I do not find that any of that stuff is "necessary" and I don't use it when making cuttings anymore. I did at first cos I was told it was very important. At least for me it isn't. Just a clean scalpel and bowl of R/O water for soaking/rehydrating the cuttings give the same overall sucess.
I would be very grateful if any of my nep colleagues take a couple of pictures next time a nep basal shoot is being removed and rooted. This is the kind of propagation technique most of us need to learn!!. Whoever does it will be helping hundreds of nep growers in this forum. Please don't forget my request.
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