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Hey Guys,
Im going to get the following Pinguicula.  Does anyone have any comments about these.  I know how to grow them, but I dont want to get them and they die because they are too difficult to grow.  I plan on growing them in my new greenhouse.  
 The coldest it will get is probably 50-55F.

Pinguicula debbertiana
Pinguicula gracilis
Pinguicula immaculata
Pinguicula parvifolia
Pinguicual reticulata

Plants Im still thinkiing about:
Pinguicula filfolia
Pinguicula hirtiflora
Pinguicula zecheri

Let Me Know

Where are you planing on getting them? Unless you don't want to say.
These can be grown like other mexican sp. with a dry dormancy: P.gracilis, debbertiana, reticulata, parvifolia, immaculata, and zecheri. Pinguicula filifolia needs to be kept very warm year-round as it is a cuban specie. P.crystallina ssp. hirtiflora is a temperate specie, and I am not sure of its difficulty.