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Pinguicula giganta

Hey Guys,
I am proud to say that my 4 Pinguicula gigantea cuttings budded.  Hurray!!!!
  Today the buds have opened and there are 2-3 leaves on each leaf. How long will it take for it to reah 1 inch in diameter?  

Under the right conditions they can get to 1" size in a week or two, and in about 4 months they can look like these in 4 inch pots:


Pinguicula gigantea
How large does this species get?
That depends on how you grow it. I believe that the less light it receives the larger it will grow. A natural reaction to compensate for lower light levels, increase the area to collect light. I like to give them as much light as I can, short of burning the foliage.
I have seen large specimen at 12in in diameter. They can probably grow a couple of inches larger than a foot.
One of the key factors which helps to grow huge P. giganteas is to use pots with a large diameter, so that the leaves don't grow over it's edge. They really appreciate the high local humidity that a large soil surface area provides. I potted mine into a 10" wide, shallow pot a month or so ago and now have a P. gigantea with a 10" diameter, and I'm looking for a pot with a 12 -14" diameter!

Ooooh. Hehehe... Very pretty! They're sticky on both sides of the leaf, arent they?
Yes, sticky on both sides. Tricky when it comes to detaching them for propagation.
Hey Vic might I suggest you try a 12"-14" plastic saucer?
You know the kind thats made to look and feel like terra cotta, nice and thick.
I use these and just drill holes in the bottom for drainage, I mainly use them for my Bulbophyllums (my favorite orchid genera).

  • #10
Hi all ,

I grow another Ping. that is sticky on both sides.
It's name is Pinguicula sp. Synalta,Mexico (have no more info about it)
It's also bigger than a P.gigantea , that I also grow. This Synalta is usually twice as big as gigantea is ...

Agnata is also known as being sticky on both sides...as here in Europe (France) we have at least two ssp. of that plant that got thoose glands under the leaves. I tried one day to feed the plant that way , it ... do ... not .... stick ... enough !

Congratulations to Sarracenia0 for it's buddies
, I never had leaf-repro-"luck" with that species ...

good grow !

  • #11
WOW! twice as big a gigantea? that's like, two feet! if you ever get to propogate it, please pm me.

- Spec73
  • #12
Pinguicula 'Synalta' =form of P.gigantea. I have never seen or heard of any mexican ping sp. that grow larger than a full-grown gigantea(10-14in). Apparently, the origins of P.'Synalta' is unknown. Even Alfred Lau, who was the first to discover P.gigantea, had never heard of the name 'Synalta'.
  • #13
Hi all ,

I dont wanna have reason in all cases CP2K , but that "Synalta" is indeed twice as big as the gigantea forms we yet have in France....Maybe our climate is not that good to obtain a full-grown gigantea (I never heard about "french" gigantea-seed...)

regarding the name Synalta : I do know the story...and yet have no more info about that plant.
You seem to be shure that this synalta is a form of gigantea. How can you ? (it's just a question...)
I heard about this plant in Germany , in Japan , and that's all....its also mentionned in N.Inaho's "wonderful world of pinguicula" , but is mentionned as being a "species that looks like gigantea" , nothing more. I searched the net for info about that plant , none nowhere. I'd like to _attach_ that Synalta to the Gigantea group , but have the need of some precise info before doing it definitively.

Thanks for help

Spectabilis73 : oh , I would if I could ! Since 5 years I have that plant now , but I never experimented a succesfull leaf-repro , as or the Giganteas I tried to reproduce...I have no chance with that group...But I expect some divisions for next summer , as I had this summer (sorry , everything is away...)

Thanks all

  • #14
Based on the pics and info I have heard about P.'Synalta', the plant is very similar to P.gigantea. What feature of P.'Synalta' distinguishes it from P.gigantea? How big is P.'Synalta' exactly? I have heard that the P.gigantea grown by Phil Faulisi was ~14in. Personally, I have seen large giganteas(10in and larger) at California Carnivores. Just a thought...maybe 'Synalta' is Ayautla labeled incorrectly. I have seen plenty of incorrectly labeled pings over the years.
Some mistakes tend to be small, while others are big(i.e. I received plants of P.'cordatta', which is incorrectly labeled plants of moranensis var. caudata).

Have you tried the leaf cuttings in a semi-coverd terrarium under grow-lights? I have not had very much success with leaf cuttings outdoors, but I have had high success with leaf cuttings in terrariums.The high humidity/light might help the leaf produce plantlets

Thanks for the info
  • #15
Hi All , CP2k ,

[/quote]What feature of P.'Synalta' distinguishes it from P.gigantea? [/quote]

hum....someting I would call "winter to summer grow-factor"....what I mean by that is the difference in diametre between winter and summer form , interresting with this two "species" as they have the same leaves in winter and in summer.
This "grow-factor" is about 50% for my giganteas , as it is only something aroung 25 to 30% for the Synalta (it stays big even in winter : 22 cm = 9 in , while my gigantea mesures : 10 cm = 4 in now...in summer they have : 28 cm = 11 in for synalta but "only" 18 cm = 7 in for my gigantea...)

also the flower is "different" : she's smaller than gigantea's , for about 30%...maybe also some other "details" we have to "discover" first

[/quote]maybe 'Synalta' is Ayautla labeled incorrectly.[/quote]

yes....that's right that there are many misslabelled Pinguis (but also Neps and Droseras...)... I don't know.
I'm living in France and we made some important researches about pings and their different origins , and we found alot of that kind of thales (P.cordata...) , but nothing regarding taht Synalta
See this page for info on our work :

It's important for us to find out any info source about that kind of plants (mislabellled , false ID and others...) , as there is a book on Mexican Pinguis on the working bank , on wich our webmaster is working on with Dr. A.Lau (who'll also come to France and the end of this week for spending a few days in our collections )

[/quote]Have you tried the leaf cuttings in a semi-coverd terrarium under grow-lights? [/quote]

yes...on many soil-media : oganic , non-organic , with no-soil , under lights , fresh , warm....nothing works.....I grow all my Mexicans under artif-grow-lights + natural light , nothing to do with that group , they don't want to sprout !!! all did but not gigantea nore Synalta....

I don't know what else I could try...but , no matter if a plant "resists" , nobody can be successfull with every plant....

see you
