Hi All , CP2k ,
[/quote]What feature of P.'Synalta' distinguishes it from P.gigantea? [/quote]
hum....someting I would call "winter to summer grow-factor"....what I mean by that is the difference in diametre between winter and summer form , interresting with this two "species" as they have the same leaves in winter and in summer.
This "grow-factor" is about 50% for my giganteas , as it is only something aroung 25 to 30% for the Synalta (it stays big even in winter : 22 cm = 9 in , while my gigantea mesures : 10 cm = 4 in now...in summer they have : 28 cm = 11 in for synalta but "only" 18 cm = 7 in for my gigantea...)
also the flower is "different" : she's smaller than gigantea's , for about 30%...maybe also some other "details" we have to "discover" first
[/quote]maybe 'Synalta' is Ayautla labeled incorrectly.[/quote]
yes....that's right that there are many misslabelled Pinguis (but also Neps and Droseras...)... I don't know.
I'm living in France and we made some important researches about pings and their different origins , and we found alot of that kind of thales (P.cordata...) , but nothing regarding taht Synalta
See this page for info on our work :
It's important for us to find out any info source about that kind of plants (mislabellled , false ID and others...) , as there is a book on Mexican Pinguis on the working bank , on wich our webmaster is working on with Dr. A.Lau (who'll also come to France and the end of this week for spending a few days in our collections )
[/quote]Have you tried the leaf cuttings in a semi-coverd terrarium under grow-lights? [/quote]
yes...on many soil-media : oganic , non-organic , with no-soil , under lights , fresh , warm....nothing works.....I grow all my Mexicans under artif-grow-lights + natural light , nothing to do with that group , they don't want to sprout !!! all did but not gigantea nore Synalta....
I don't know what else I could try...but , no matter if a plant "resists" , nobody can be successfull with every plant....
see you