Everyone else is sharing so I'll join in. If the pics don't show up then my computer crashed, check back in the morning when I wake up.
N. Amp in a ten gallong fish tank.
N. Rafflesiana, same tank.
Some pics of a 10 inch pot with N. Ventricosa and what I think is a N. Spectabilis(bad label maintenance on my part).
Here is N. Maxima x Alata lowlander that was given to me. Due to condition upon arrival I was forced to cut off both growth points. But that's ok because it has SEVEN new ones.
And last but not least everyone has one plant that is a non-IDed hybrid from I don't remember where, also in a 10 inch pot.
Thanks for viewing, come back soon.
N. Amp in a ten gallong fish tank.
N. Rafflesiana, same tank.
Some pics of a 10 inch pot with N. Ventricosa and what I think is a N. Spectabilis(bad label maintenance on my part).
Here is N. Maxima x Alata lowlander that was given to me. Due to condition upon arrival I was forced to cut off both growth points. But that's ok because it has SEVEN new ones.
And last but not least everyone has one plant that is a non-IDed hybrid from I don't remember where, also in a 10 inch pot.
Thanks for viewing, come back soon.