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Physan 20

I read the company site for Physan 20 and its dosage but Sarracenia weren't listed.
Should I use a teaspoon , teaspoon and a half or 2 teaspoons to a gallon?
One I need to know the amount for dipping them for dormancy storage
two for applying to my outdoor bog for dormancy.
Thanks in advance for any help,
You might want to try it first on one plant and see how it works. Physan 20 is not a fungicide. It is a disinfectant/algaecide. Personally I would not spray my plants with it. It may damage the plants and probably won't give the disease protection your looking for. Anyone else ever try using it??

Phyton 27 however is an excellent systemic broad range fungicide.

I ordered some and Peter D'Amato says it works great just follow the manu's instructions on diluting it. It isn't a fungicide Tony? Hmm...Charleys greenhouse says it has fungicide in it. I ordereed it because I am too cheap to buy the good stuff lol.
Technically no it is not a fungicide. Basically the difference is that a fungicide will act to kill/inhibit growth of a fungus only, while dissinfectant just kills whatever live cells it comes in contact with. Plants are generally protected because of the wax covering the epidermis. So a mild disinfectant like Physan 20 SHOULD be safe but it should be tested first. And tender parts of the plant such as roots might be more sensitive than the leaves and stems. Will it kill and deter fungus? sure... but only on fungus that it comes directly in contact with. It is topical only so would not be effective on a plant which already has a fungal infection.

False advertizers!
lol. No biggie anyhow, my plants don't have any fungicide at the moment and hopefull it will stay that way until the concentrate arrives! I think I should be safe this dormancy period but this summer I am going to stock on a GOOD fungicide.
But I thought coppers weren't good for the plants that is why I didn't get the Phyton 27 . It said it can be harmful in cool humid weather . Totally confused now.
You know, 2.99 for a packet of clearys is more than enough to treat a huge collection of plants...

not expensive at all if you ask me, and it's professional strength.
Definately and I plan on putting in an order this spring along with alot of plants but I need to get everything done this weekend and I don't have a credit card to order fast.
I would have hit the plant sale hard and heavy if I had a credit card!
Clearys is or was a excellent fungicide, but it is so over used resistance is a extremely common problem, leaving this older top line product dead in the water for a lot of fungal problems.
Like human medicene, bugs can and do delevop resistance with continual repeated use. This is the case with the Thiomyl based fungicides (Clearys brand) for Sarracenia & Dionaea. Used alone it may fail, mixed with other products it could work well. (e.g. Sub Due Maxx)
