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Phyllodia vs. Pithcers

My newly planted sarrs are starting to grow. I have had them potted for about two weeks now. All three rhizomes are putting up some growth with my S. flava already having grown about 5 inches!! The S. lucophylla and the leucophylla x flava have only some small "leaves" about and inch or so long I was just wondering, is it is possible to tell the phyllodia from the pitchers at such an early stage in growth?
im not really sure but phyllodia are like orchid leaves in apperance, just thinner and smaller.
Generally, the Sarracenia that produce phyllodia only do so no earlier than the summer. However, environmental stresses can cause them to produce phyllodia at other times. If you are treating them right, you shouldn't see phyllodia at this time of the year, unless perhaps they are recently divided plants. Generally, developing phyllodia will kind of have a backwards arch to them (not always though). Secondly, they will never develop a tube; they will stay flat, kind of like iris leaves. Third, there will not be a lid on them; a developing phyllodia will have just a point where the lid would be on a developing trap. Fourth, it has been my experience that phyllodia are green and develop no venation or any other types of coloration present on the functional traps.
In my expierence phylodia (forgot how to spell it) are always bending over backwards and sometimes twirl around. They will also get a huge front... Flap I guess is the term.
I am now 100% positive that there is wo new pitchers growing from my S. Flava. I was gone this weekend and when I returned yesterday the flava had grown about 2 more inches and they are definatly tube shaped. The others are still lagging behind a little but I'm sure they'll catch up.