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Peltier cooling terrariums

Hey guys
I know there are multiple threads that cover this topic- but i want to get recent and specific: is there anyone who has a still fully functional peltier cooled terrarium? If so I would REALLY like some insight on how you accomplished such a set up. This is because I am trying to cool a 36" by 18" by 18" terrarium, but don't know what exactly I should get. For example, if type in peltier air cooler In eBay, I was considering getting one of those. So now I'll stop my rambling. What do you guys think? As always, pics welcome!
you should ask butch, he works with them in his classes which he teaches :) Very well informed on the subject
peltiers are way too inefficient for something that is so uninsulated as a terrarium....
Just to emphasize what Butch said. I tried using a 65W peltier wine cooler as a terrarium and it couldn't even take out the small amount of head from a 18W flourescent lamp (with external control gear). Given that this was an insulated cooler, with foam injected cavities, I would not even consider trying to cool an uninsulated terrarium with peliers.
uh.... seriously?

Seems like you have your mind made up if you are still asking if it will "do the trick?" when someone already answered that they tried it with an insulated cooler and it couldn't even deal with the heat produced by an 18w fluorescent bulb.
Peltiers don't work. I tried one on my 44 pentagon, and the 96 watt peltier I made chilled the air VERY little. The cold side doesn't get cold enough for anything larger than 1 gallon. Plus, the terrarium has no insulation.
To heat a terarium, you could use them though.
  • #10
Thanks everyone. I will stear clear. I apologize if it seemed I was disregarding others opinions, but that's not the case. I was just making sure. I respect everyone's opinion.