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Looking For (trade) Partner for flowering N. Campanulata

My N. Campanulata is flowering! Not sure whether it is male or female though. Either way, if it is female I'd like to see if anyone has pollen from something that would make for an interesting cross or breed more pure N. Campanulatas. If it's male I'll send out pollen to whomever would be interested. We would split the seeds 50/50 of course. :grin:
I'll post updates as I find out what sex it is. After that if anyone is interested let me know on this thread.
If its a female flower I have N. spathulata x hamata pollen available.
My N. Campanulata is flowering! Not sure whether it is male or female though. Either way, if it is female I'd like to see if anyone has pollen from something that would make for an interesting cross or breed more pure N. Campanulatas. If it's male I'll send out pollen to whomever would be interested. We would split the seeds 50/50 of course.
I'll post updates as I find out what sex it is. After that if anyone is interested let me know on this thread.

I hav maxima mini pollen

Now that would make a cool miniature Nep cross!
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I think so too! Small, and gray colored pitchers. Could get some nice shape and coloration. Oh and it grows like a weed too. Could create neat hybrids!
20171230 CampF close up.jpg

20171230 Camp F Stalk.jpg

It's a girl! Sorry to those who offered pollen in this thread but I was made an offer that was too good to pass up.
I was made an offer that was too good to pass up.

Well . . . what species was it?? ???

And you could still pollinate other flowers with different pollen . . . just saying. :D
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Indeed. As long as you mark the flowers or sections of flowers, you could do several different crosses.

Am curious what you received pollen-wise.
Well . . . what species was it?? ???

And you could still pollinate other flowers with different pollen . . . just saying. :D

Indeed. As long as you mark the flowers or sections of flowers, you could do several different crosses.

Am curious what you received pollen-wise.

Well in the interest of being mysterious, I'll give a couple clues on the species I'm crossing with my campy! :p

1. There are 2 species, both well renowned for their teeth.
2. The pollen owner posted on the forum regarding a partner for the pollen quite a few months ago.

I could do more crosses, but I'm pretty pumped about these and want to go all in on them. Should be a lot of variation in the siblings! :-D