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P. x Weser seeds


Staff member
Hi folks, kwik kwestshun (like my phonetics?)

I suface-sowed some pxWeser seeds (thanks Weser&#33
probably 1 to 2 months ago. I was wondering how long these generally take to germinate.

They were sowed in pete/perlite, and it's about 80 degrees.
Thanks for any tips.
I've produced and sown the seed generated by selfing Pinguicula 'Weser' twice. Once they germinated almost immediately (4-5 days), the other time I did it I never got any germination at all. The seed appeared exactly the same in both attempts, and the conditions were identical, but no germination was observed in one, while nearly 100% was observed in the other. Perhaps all my subsequent sowings should be in vitro to eliminate the possibility that the germination was affected by microbial activity.
schloaty, if those doesn`t germinate I send you other pod seeds..........but I sow those my self first and look upshots!
Thanks Weser,
I'll give them a little more time....Maybe till the end of the month. I'll let you know.
yes! we do that!