I had the chance to visit one of the location in NE Italy of Pinguicula poldinii . It is a temperate species and reading the article of Jurg Steiger in ICPS is a need.
If I resume many years of growing temperate species :
It is not a hard species to grow but need few requirements.
It is a calcareous species that need calcareous in its growing media.
I use the following mix : 2 vol perlite, 2 vol vermiculite, 1 fine sand, 1 sand 1mm, 2 pouzzolane (volcanic rock) and 2 calcareous clay. In France, I found a calcareous clay in my supermarket for cat toilets, perfect for the components and for the price (2$ for 20 liters).
I use it for all my calcareous [/I]Pinguicula and for my Mexican.
The mix must be wet all the growing season in France from march to September.
What is important not only for this species, but for all the Temperate Pinguicula is a big box (see the pictures in the web site a world of Pinguicula in the "growing tips section" in the garden topic).
In winter, the temperature are cold and the plant rest under a hibernacula.
If you need more informations, I will be happy to help you.
Eric Partrat