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Next step in food items

Some of my Neps are now taking several adult crickets at each feeding and I was wondering, what do I do for food when the pitchers reach 10-15" in size? Do simply I use lots of crickets, superworms, etc or is there a next step size prey item?
I know people seem to have an aversion to hearing about pink mice, anoles and things but I can't find any larger insects to feed than adult crickets. Roaches are not welcome and Mantids are expensive (and my favorite bug so I just couldn't...).
What do you large pitcher owners feed?

I should add it's below freezing here so catching grasshoppers/locusts is out of the question til about April.
Just a thought, have you ever considered orchid 30-10-10 at about 1/4 strength. It make life so much easier and your plants don't get that stinky rotting smell to them.
Yup, I feed with fertilizers and bugs (frozen crickets mostly).

Every 2 weeks (basically every 3rd or 4th watering) they get a pot flushing with:
1/4 strength Urea Free Orchid Fertilizer 20-16-20
a few drops per gal of Yamato Green aquatic plant trace elements

I haven't noticed any bad smells coming from either the highland or lowland tanks due to past prey items. At least 100 crickets, houseflies, jap beetles, etc must've been consumed between the two tanks in the last year or so. do you have large stinky pitchers? What species do you have which emit an odor? Do they all smell at a more mature stage? My largest pitcher so far is a 6" diameter bical pitcher but a few others are 5" in height. I can't tell any smells at the orchid shop where they have huge pitchers cos the whole place smells like a forest!