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New to sun dews

Hi everyone. I purchased some sun dew seeds from my local garden center and it comes with a small pot and compressed soil. I was hoping someone could write up a guide on how to grow from seed and how to care once the plant has started to come out of the surface. My e-mail address is btzreaper@hotmail.com, so please send a mail there with a guide if possible. Thanks a lot. I would also like to know if a medium filter natural light (Tube type ones) are good for growing these with. Thanks again
Ok thanks for that... Also i was wondering if my set up is ok. I have a propergator with a automatic heater which brings the temperature up to about 22-25 degrees celcius which is around 74-76 faron height. I will have the Sun dew in the propagator along with my Pitcher plants (Napenthes) as the care instructions are almost the same. These are placed in a tray with pebbles in the bottom to help with evapouration of water and i have water in the base of the propagator too which evapourates and gives plenty of humidity. Would that set up be ok? its in a 3 pannel window sil too so gets plenty of light.
i have germianted drosrea ( sundew ) on a window sill and no you don't need that all you need is to dampen the soil a bit put the seed on the
surface DO NOT BURRY! and put a fluresent light ( a fish tank one is perfect ) about a foot ( 30cm ) above the top and stand in water and they should germinate depending on how old the seed is should take 2 to 6 weeks normanly but tubrers drosera ( sundew ) ( D.ariculata D.peltata )
Hey Chris,

A couple other good places to get great information are the link at the top of this page for "Plant Care" and also try the CP FAQs which is here I think and if the link doesn't work you can probably get to it through the ICPS page.

You can also read therough this form and look for just about any topic by Tamlin as he is a Drosera king
Hi Chris,

Welcome to the Forums and it is always nice to meet another Sundew enthusiast! Don't pay attention to Pyro with the "King" thing, I am just one that loves these plants and has some success with them. Regarding your proposed scheme, it sounds OK. I am a little concerned about the heat factor. Most Drosera species other than the petiolaris complex members really prefer cooler conditions for best growth. Having the plants in a wndow with so much light is also going to raise the temperatures. Be careful not to cook them. I have grown plants that were acclimated in sealed terraria in full sun, but these were raised in those conditions from seed, and weaker plants will quickly sunburn. In my experience, droserae require far less humidity than most Nepenthes I am growing. These plants have a good deal of adaptibility though. Good luck with the plants. which species are you growing?
Don't ignore me with the 'king' comment.
Tamlin's growlist is longer than your arm and fully 80% is Drosera, I'd call that king
Im going to be growing D. Capensis 'Alba' the window they are in only gets strong light in the summer from 1pm onwards until it gets round to the north or whereever it goes to lol. Im gonna have a few hundred seeds so gonna try 3 different ways of growing.
D. capensis is very tolerant of low humidity, especially if seed grown. They should do well without a terrarium with good attention to watering, providing your RH is 40% and above.