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New species

Hi everybody,
Just a quick message to tell you that two new species of Pinguicula, have been described from Cuba by Casper.

It is Pinguicula infundibuliformis and Pinguicula jaraguana

More soon...

By the way, there is also a new specie from Mexico this time, described by Dr S. Zamudio Ruiz.

It is Pinguicula calderoniae, from Queretaro and San Luis Potosi states (on the border between the two states).

Summer leaves are very long and shaped like Pinguicula moctezumae with leaves that reach 26 cm ! and winter rosette is shaped like an onion of a diameter of 1 cm only !

The flower looks like "Pinguicula moranensis" collected by D. Kirkbright schow on the web site A WORLD OF PINGUICULA.

It grows on carbonate of calcium

Hello Eric and all,
I've just discovered this website thanks to your wonderful website. I just returned from a good stay in Canada and am happy to hear such wonderful news.
I wonder if P. calderonae is one of Alfred Lau's discoveries. I have a copy of his picture of a very long leaved Ping that he showed to Sergio and that Sergio said he would investigate.
Now I wonder how long it will be before we can grow this and the other wonderful plants recently described.
Still no word on describing the 'Sierra Obscura,' I'll mention it to Sergio and see if he is working on it.
Anyone planning a trip to Mexico?
Ed Read
It is good to see another well-known member of the Pinguicula society here.
Hi Ed.

Please to have news from you after so many times !

As you can see, the website increase little by little with everybody help...

If you know Sergio Zamudio Ruiz, you may have access to pictures and seeds maybe that nobody else couldn't.

Hello all,
Word just in from Dr. Zamudio Ruiz. He is working on describing a plant from 'Sierra Tamualipas' and a form of agnata. No idea how long this process takes, but it's something more to look forward too.
Hi Ed

I have the plants you are looking for...

P. crassifolia and P. conzatii the new published name for the plant from Santiago Nuyoo Pass

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