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New Setup

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I plan on getting some Reflectix pretty soon to put on the outside frame and also getting 2 4 foot T5's from HTG supply. I found this Greenhouse on sale for $50 which I think was a pretty good deal. I added some egg crates to the shelves for more support. So far so good.
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You have to upload the photos to a photo hosting site like flickr.com, you cannot upload them directly. Sounds cool though!
Alright I think i fixed it
Looks like the same greenhouse I have in my living room. Beware, even with all that space you will run out fast! :D
I had that same GH. Won't take long for the zipper to break away from the plastic. Only using it for the shelves now..

Word of advice..
Those things hold moisture rather well. You DEFINITELY need to put a layer of thick plastic over your carpet. I put a 2nd layer of fake turf grass carpet over the plastic layer to make it look pretty. Won't be long before you spill something, or the moisture ruins your carpet and floors.
Thanks for the heads up
Yeah I have a similar setup, but It's imperative to have a protective layer over the rug like mass said. My rug/floor would be destroyed after having that thing for two months. Home depot sells this super cheap plastic rug covering that they cut to size. It has little "cleats" to keep it from sliding around. Well worth the $6 now to save hundreds in rug repairs lol. Look great though!