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Like Pyro, I feel the need to share the news of my new acquisitions, and no one around here really cares (and by "around here", I mean within a hundred mile radius).

Today I got U. odorata, nelumbifolia, fulva, simulans, resupinata and pentadactyla (I've been assured its the real thing, but I will believe it when I see the whites of its flowers)
I'd tell you that you suck but I'd be afraid that you would hold it against me in the future.
 That makes all of the Iperua but humboldtii doesn't it?

I think I'm going to go and get myself hit by a truck

In all seriousness, that is really cool. Very nice plants.

Now all you have to do is write your own book on cultivating the Genus and you will be the undesputed UtricGod
I don't want to make you feel bad, but I got humboltii the other day.

I'll say hooray for you AFTER I find out what that means...
dang man!! congratulations!!! ive never even heard of any of those new ones..lol. good luck with them!!

I don't believe it. I can't believe it. I won't believe it. Good thing that I'm never envious. Do the pentadactyla bladders really detach from the plant and stalk their prey? I hear this species grows only every 7 years and only in pockets formed in solid diamond. Is this correct? Congratulations O Stoloniferous One!!! The power is with you!
Thanks gang, that was just the affirmation I was looking for. I love you all. No need to be envious, they will make the rounds of people's collections eventually. I have become much more aware of the importance of this as I killed a few plants with some ill applied pesticide a few weeks back.

Oh, and its reticulata, not resupinata. I always get those two names confused. It's the one featured on the cover of CPN last year some time. I've been looking for it for a while now.

And Tamlin: its all true about pentadactyla. I don't understand why so many people confuse it with U. bisquamata.
Well fine then. Hehehe

Congrats on your new plants....
I can't wait till I get that many plants... Neps or Utrics.... I'mguessing the later is easier, hehehe...
It's not often the posts here make me feel like this, truly jealous, look after them, and spread them around if you get chance, they are all really rare plants in cultivation.

  • #10

Iperua is the section of Utrics that has reniformis, geminiloba, humboldtii, etc.

And it now appears that Dodec has all of them. I am so green with envy
  • #11
CONGRATS! You deserve them!
Good luck & keep them alive
  • #12
Usually when we see PHOTO's of this we stand with our mouths open, because it means they are not mythical after all. The idea that someone has them growing, and well enough to rip off a chunk and send it out is staggering. I don't even know if I would accept these plants out of fear of killing them were I to find them offered. These make the rare Neps look common.

Hmmmm, your source doesn't by chance grow any Droserae?