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I dont like how there is no drainig very bad for the vft as the roots may be roting at the bottem as for your set up I dont think the plastic around the base ia nessisary ie i would get rid of it I would also forget about giving them humidity they really dont need it and your drainedge all u have to do is punch some hols in the bottom then once this is done set it in a tray of water after this is done u will not need to mist all u will have to do is keep water in the tray
as for u misting it I would not this could be what is burning the plants this is for the same reason as u dont water your plants during the middle of the day because any water droplets on the leaves could and will intensify the light it acts like a magnifying glass
I have mine in its first container (3"). No cup over it. Ok humidity I don't have anything oer it. No plastic. i let mine drain and use the tray method. I have a Denete VFT and another regular with red traps doing great. I do the same things with them as I do with this other one. I have a D.Adelae which is fine and a Cobra Lily which is great(Weird huh lol!
. This has been doing this burning thing forever since i got it. Except the leaves at the edges start to burn and then the whole leaf and trap. It is weird.
I have noticed that some of my VFT's do this once in a while. Though it does not happen to evey new growth that comes up it seems that sometimes one or two new growths may not fully develop or will burn out. Mine seem to go through stages, they will grow a ton of new traps in a short time and then a couple might not fully develop, or burn out, and then the process will repeat itself. It as if they almost need a short rest, after dispersing so much energy on new traps, then after saving a little bit of energy they will produce many traps. I may not be 100% right on this, it's just an observation that I had made on my VFT's.
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