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New at growing these.



I just got a Sarracenia purpurea and I have never grown one before, I was just wondering if any experienced growers could give me some help and tips. I have grown venus flytraps before and they have turned out fine for the most part.
Also I wanted to know what i should do if the pitchers have mud in them. Whent hey were shipped to me they were full of soil, should i try and scoop it out or what? All and any help will be much apreciated. Thanx.
S. purpurea is very easy and tough, but it likes a cold dormancy period in the winter. Mine live outside year round and flower every year. Probably growing them like a VFT would work, but maybe the rest period should be colder and maybe a tad longer.

Soil in the pitcher isn't going to hurt the plant, you'll have a whole new flush of pitchers next year anyway so I'd just leave them.

You can rinse off the pitchers with some distilled water..no problem there. These are very easy to grow..just keep water in the tray and give them sunlight. And you could drop a mosquito in a pitcher now and then. Don't let the soil dry out.
Good luck and enjoy your plant!