Ah... the "king" Nepenthes ;o)
@ Tony, how much is a THREE INCH N. rajah
this is relativly BIG for this spezies.
I' m growing my N. rajah (bought mine for less than 15 $, it's a great advantage to live in Germany, where so many Nepenthes freaks are ;o) )
...ahmm... I'm growing mine during summer at 80F day and 65-70F nighttime temperature inside my house in an eatsfacing window in a cool room with heating and additional lights during the days. The plant grows faster in winter at daytime tempearture around 75F and nightime drops down to 55-60F.
Humidity is around 80% but can drop soetimes. I give the plants a lot of frsh air with a fan + ultrasonic fogger which helps cooling the temeparture because of evaporating (about 3-5F less).
I have seen plants growing in an appletree ! during autumn /summer here in Germany. But you should definitly NOT try this with new plants a few weeks out of in vitro culture
Nepenths rajah can tolerate high daytimetemperatures even up to 90F or more, but humidity should be very high. At "normal" daytimetemperatures at 80F N. rajah can tolerate some humidity fluctuations if adepted to "hard" conditions.
daytime temperature MUST be higher than 70F, otherwise the plant will grow extremly slow.
Nightimetemperature MUST be SIGNIFICANTLY lower than Daytimetemperature. I don't know what would be best, but 50-55F might be the best.
Nightime humidity should be at leat at 80%, plants are growing faster in even higher humidity.
The plants appreciate air-movement.
Light levels should be high.
Use big pots ! Bigger than the plant diamater !! the plant has a very extensive root system.
Use a airy and well draind substrat.
Hmmm, this is all I know....
One question. My N. rajah has produced several new plants offshot. This is the only Nepenths spezies which has done this as a very young plnat.
I seperated three of the, two have survived but are growing extremly slow (2 leafes, 0,5" diameter)
3 new ones are still connected th the "mother" plant.
has anybody made the same experience ?
Does someone know the reason.
I think, the plant got to much hormones to stimulate devision during the invitro time.