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Nepenthes questions

Hi all I'm looking for some opinions on which Nepenthes are considered "Intermediate".  I have a 60 gallon Terranium(48x13x17) that I used to keep reptiles in, but now want to convert it into mainly a Nepenthes housed enclosure.

I've read all the Highland, Lowland ideal setups but I really don't want to go that extreme.  I'm looking at growing them in a environment, while not text-book ideal, will still allow them to thrive.  Since I live in Northern CA, temperature in the tank will probably be 70-85 during the summer, and 60-75 or so during the colder parts of the year.  Humidity can be whatever it needs to be.  Light will be provided by 4 40watt fluorescent bulbs, and diffused sunlight from a North and East window.
(changed to 4 40 watt)
:Also curious if anyone uses humidifiers like this, and have had good results from them
ok if I read your info correct, summer night temps around 70 and winter night temps around 60?

Also, why are you using 4 2foot bulbs on a 4foot long tank?

With your temperature range you can grow many types other than the real lowland or ultrahighland plants.

I would suggest the following for variety of pitchers and for either slower growing to large sized plants or less inclination to climb.

bellii (climbs readily but is a fairly small plant in size and doesn't mind being cut back to make a nice clump)
(there are others but I tried to stick with plants that are fairly obtainable)

There are hybrids also that would do well..
Judith Finn is one

Tony the 40 watt tubes are 4 feet long, 20 watt tubes are 2 feet.

Jadubya, those humidifiers will work but I have a suggestion:

You could build about 20 of them for the price of buying one, just get a 2 liter bottle (or gallon sized juice jugs for a sturdier container) a piece of rigid airline tubing that will reach about 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the jug and some clear 1/4" airline tubing. Drill a couple holes in the jug (one for the in tube one for out)  so the air line just fits (then squirt some aquarium silicone in the holes to hold the airlines in place). Hook it all up just like they show on the site-save your $$ get another plant!    

Take it easy!
Ah yes, the magic "edit" button!

Too bad all message boards don't have them!